Amethyst Worth

Amethyst Worth

How much is amethyst worth?


Amethyst is a rare gemstone that comes from the family of quartz and it found in the form of deposits on the earth. Brazil is a major producer of amethyst which is found in a number of states if Brazil. Uruguay is another country that produces amethyst in relatively small quantities but the finish of amethyst is considered superior to Brazilian amethyst. It has a bright dark color and has more clarity in amethyst than in any other part of the world. In the USA, Amethysts are extracted form a number of states including Arizona, Texas, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Maine, and Colorado. One of the largest amethyst mines is situated in North America around Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada.

Amethyst is heated to improve the color which is purple. The naturally found amethyst is available and can be used by gem stone dealers in its true form found in nature. It is also created synthetically as by product of quartz synthesis. Amethyst is a hard gem stone that is less prone to chipping, breakage, and cracking. The color of amethyst varies from lilac to deep violet. The deep dark purple amethysts are considered more valuable. Amethyst stones appear to be dark purple color in incandescent light. In the case of fluorescent light and normal day light amethysts have grayish and deep blue tones.

Qualities of different Amethyst

Color of amethyst is reddish purple or purple. The stone dealers usually prefer to buy dark purple to reddish purple color. Amethyst can appear dark in case of dim light when observed through the polariscope. The low quality amethysts are heated to enhance its color.

Clarity of amethyst under normal light has bright color and cut into the cabochons or beads. The rare amethysts undergo fracture filling treatment for its surface to refine its surface and increase clarity of the stone.

Amethysts are cut into rounds, ovals, pears, emerald cuts, and triangles. The facet pattern is triangular or kite shape arrangement that are called brilliant cut along with step cuts and mixed cuts in its facet arrangement. Amethysts are popular gem which is cut into a variety of free shapes. Amethysts are in all sizes to mount them in variety of jewelry. The price of stone doesn't increase with size of stone as it determined on per carat. Sometimes size can be big but the worth of the stone is gauged on per carat. Amethyst mostly has calibrated cuts which is specific cut use as standard sizes in industry.

The price of amethyst gemstones increases with the size of stone. Amethysts are commonly found in large crystals. The price is determined on size of stone instead on raw form or refined form of amethyst. The amount of labor require for faceting collectively included into the bulk of the price of stone. The faceted amethyst gemstones in India are sold at low price of $2 per carat. In Brazil gem stone dealers may sell amethyst for $5-10/caret which has better quality and color. In Siberia amethyst prices can be relatively sustainable in comparison to the other parts of the world.

Amethyst clusters and geodes are sold in wholesale by the mines. The amethysts are categorized on grades (A, B, C, D, etc) which are sold by weight of stone. The Wholesale prices of stones directly brought in large quantity are in the range from $10/kg to $100+/kg depending on the grade of amethyst stone. The prices of raw amethysts are relatively less than the facet amethysts and refined ones. The polished amethysts are used for ornament and decorative purposes are relatively high in price.

The gemologists have divided amethysts on basis of its country of origin rather on color. The two most popular colors of amethysts are preferred by buyers are as follows:

Siberian Color

The highest graded amethysts are from Siberia known as Siberian quality. The Siberian color in amethysts has red and blue flashes on deep purple color. The buyers mostly buys Siberian color amethyst due to its high quality.

Darker Gems

The customers usually buy stones falls into range of darker stones that are 75 to 80 percent dark in tone. The amethysts with blue shade are considered valuable for buyers.


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